We work with the ins-and-outs of the Entertainment Industry on a daily basis. Publishing percentages? Market shares? Target demographic? We hear these things every day and while they can make or...
We work with the ins-and-outs of the Entertainment Industry on a daily basis. Publishing percentages? Market shares? Target demographic? We hear these things every day and while they can make or...
If you are a musician or music business professional, I bet you’ve worked with a graphic designer before. Everyone needs album covers, single art, posters, and promotional materials. And graphic...
Next Big Sound just released a blog titled, "2014: The State of the Industry" (so punny). Contrary to the humor present in the title, this blog talks some serious business about the music industry...
We stumbled across a great article by Ewan Spence from Forbes the other day, and we felt like it deserved a shoutout. With all the hype around social media, it's sometimes easy to forget the...
Crowdfunding | crowd·fund·ing | ˈkroudˌfəndiNG/ (←very helpful, thank you) | nouna) Your an artist who'd like to continue creating art but have hit a snag because you do not have access to a trust...
Hello, hello — Nathan from 12South Marketing here. We moved into a new office space about a year ago, and we're fortunate enough to work in a building that is home to a variety of businesses — one of...