Do you see growing your social media presence as a necessary but DAUNTING task? Maybe you have accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest...and that can be overwhelming..... So what to do?
Start by focusing on having a consistent presence on only two accounts (for instace, we are most active on Facebook and Instagram). That way you focus your attention and message to where you think most of your customers are.
If you decide Twitter is one of those accounts for you (and here are some reasons it should be) then here are 4 tips to get you started!
Even though you have 280 characters available to you it doesn't mean you need to use them all. A Short message makes more of an impact than a long one. Focus in on one thing you want your reader to grasp. You can always include links that will send people to a longer post where they can find out more about the info in your tweet.
Happy Tweeting!